Oct 27, 2020
Quote “Someone struggled for your right to vote. Use it.” Susan B. Anthony
Welcome to the Sensory Strides podcast. Observations of the world through activity, reading, listening, and everything else.
52 Hike Challenge – Join us! There are free challenges and lots of swag you can buy. https://www.52hikechallenge.com/?rfsn=3543491.754f73&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=3543491.754f73 #52hikechallenge2020
While we weren’t in person, 1200 plus Girl Scouts came together this weekend for our once every three years National Council Session. Usually this is scheduled in conjunction with the National Convention, which is a giant party. Our girls are integral to planning the event and often take center stage.
The National Council Session is the business meeting portion. This year there were six proposals up for discussion and vote. We follow Roberts Rules or Order. The council session immerses everyone in parliamentary procedure and is a great learning experience for everyone.
Friday started at 5 and was schedule to go until 7:30. I finally made it to bed about 11. Saturday started at 11. We were supposed to have two sessions, but it stretched into one long session with a shorter break. We went until nearly 10. Sunday we started at 10 and went until about 9, with a short mid afternoon break. About 26 hours total.
Running the voting virtually added new challenges to the process. Tech issues were a part of the issue, but I think the bigger impact came from not being able to see what was happening on stage or having opportunities for short entertainment (like singing) during waiting times. Some of my fellow delegates and I actually got to chat more than we would have in person using Discord, a platform I hadn’t used before.
The votes themselves were interesting. Sunday afternoon, after our break, started off with a bang. After more than 20 hours into the process we ended up with two votes in a row split right down the middle. One had only one vote difference and the other had two vote separation. We kept at it and were successful getting all of the work done!
Next week is an important election for our country. Please make sure to get out by Tuesday and vote. My ballot went in last week!
Thanks for joining me. Be sure to check our show notes for links to inspiration items and … don't forget to stop and smell the roses.
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